My integration

«I discovered new perspectives for my integration in Switzerland, together with people from different countries.»

Would you like to strengthen your well-being through artistic work?

This group offer is specifically aimed at individuals with a refugee and migration background. Irrespective of their mother tongue, the topics related to integration are addressed through artistic expression.

What does the therapy consist of?

The following topics are covered in the group:

  • Myself in the home country versus I am here; Me and my family
  • Overcoming walls
  • My new home and the kitchen
  • The earth and me
  • Landscape
  • Me and others etc.


In the group you will be able to manage your symptoms and strengthen your well-being through artistic work.

Programme of the weekly group

Who is the offer aimed at?

The offer is aimed at patients of the Outpatient Clinic Wil who, as a result of flight and migration experiences, are undergoing outpatient treatment for depression, post traumatic stress disorders, anxiety, bipolar disorders, psychoses, substance abuse and stress-related disorders such as sleep problems and chronic pain.


The group is not suitable for:

  • severe depression with psychotic symptoms
  • pronounced personality disorders
  • acute dependency problems

What are the aims of?

  • Gain new perspectives on integration
  • Strengthening self-efficacy
  • Increasing the level of functioning
  • Increasing social competence

What can you expect?

Psychoeducational content and coping strategies are taught using artistic methods for the respective session topics. You have the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas with the other participants and try out your own creativity in the session. Everything that is discussed in the group is subject to confidentiality.

Who leads the group?

Psychologists, physicians,  nurses or art therapists are leading the group.

When and where will the group offer take place?

It takes place:

  • in the theatre atelier, nature atelier and concrete atelier
  • Monday, 2 to 4 pm, from 05/27/24 until 07/29/24

How to register?

Registration in person or by therapist via email:

Anmeldung und Information

  • Information und Beratung zu Behandlungsangeboten der Psychiatrie St.Gallen

  • Entgegennahme von Anmeldungen an den Standorten Pfäfers und Wil

  • werktags von 8.00 - 17.00 Uhr besetzt, davor und danach diensthabender Arzt, diensthabende Ärztin

When can I join?

Entry is possible on an ongoing basis.

Your contact